Are you awake?

Our lives are so much more comfortable when we base it on a false reality. Not knowing what’s going on in the real world is easier than facing up to its truth.

When I was younger my parents would speak to us about world events. To be honest it fell on deaf ears. I had no interest but to live in an illusion of self. Everything that was taking place did not pertain to my being.

Now that I am much older, I realize everything is connected. Sooner rather than later, our world events will impact our homes down to the smallest details.

We can’t hide in our fake realities..We must face reality. Our comfortable lifestyles allows us to think we are safe.

But do you realize everyday when you wake up someone else is living a less comfortable reality?

Why should you care? Today is given tomorrow is not promised. Being aware gives one insight into our changing world. And if you have the power to help even in a small way, it is a blessing.

Have you ever felt lost in this mixed up world? Who do you believe or better yet, what do you believe? There is so much misinformation out there it will make your head spin.

When did truth become lies and lies become truth?.

We don’t always know who to trust or what to believe. What is truth? Do we even know?

We choose to listen to those whose belief system is in sync with our core values. Can you really trust those who proclaim their ideology is based on fact?

We have to learn how to do our own research and think for ourselves. This world is out of control moving faster and faster to a future none of us will recognize.

Will it be better for mankind?

I really don’t know. Artificial intelligence will be part of the world of tomorrow. Have you even notice it’s part of the conversation everyday in the media? How will that impact jobs and other aspects of our lives?

We are transitioning to a new global reset filled with crypto currencies and central bank digital currencies which will change the dollar system. There will be wars and rumous of wars. Yet some of us are still asleep not realizing the changes that’s pushing us towards an unforseen future.

We are heading to a New World Order system of governance as dictated by the elites. They are in the process of putting all the pieces together while we are all easily distracted. The new digital economy will be next after our past industrial revolution.

First covid 19 mask up, stay 6 feet apart and forced vaccinations was fear based. Now the truth is being revealed after being repressed for so long.

All of our lives are going to change drastically within the next few years. Things are shaking up faster and faster. Wake up pay attention to the suttle hints that are looming behind the scenes.

We all need to be aware for the sake of our families. This is not about fear but a reminder to pray and prepare for the future. Seek out truth based on real facts not propaganda.

Tears in Uncertain Times

Shot of a young businesswoman looking stressed out in an officeFilled with fear and confusion

Consumed by my thoughts of uncertain times

Searching for answers that would lead

To an awakening of truth

An outlet, an escape from the fear which grips my soul

When I remember the world that will be no more

Darkened into submission

Never the same as we move toward a reset

We are paralyzed by changeĀ 

Having no idea what’s coming next

I cry silently in the darkness for lost memories

Of what was and what will never be again

As we crash into a different world

Awakening to new technologies

Extremely concerned with the storms of tomorrow.

Pat Fagan



I Am Black


Everyday, I look at a mirror, my reflection reminds me

I am Black

Everyday, I exist in a world filled with racism and discrimination

I am reminded, I am Black

You know what…in spite of all the horrendous trials and tribulations

Our Ancestors endured, suffering through slavery

Broken, tortured, raped, and oppressed

I come from a strong lineage of people who are strong, determined

Never willing to give up

To fight for change, equality, and denounce racism

I am proud to be Black

Black lives do matter as they are brutalized by the police

Communities impacted by systemic racism

Kept down from moving ahead

Believing and hoping for a better future

In which all lives matter

A world that doesn’t discriminate based on color

Yes, I believe in a world that is fair for us all

Racist attitudes seek to divide

Rather than love which intends to unite us

I can’t breathe.

Are you kidding me?

photo-1585850417478-cf203b4ac9b1You want to do what? Did you say open up the country on May 1, while we’re still counting the dead. Are we really ready to put people at risk of getting Covid-19?photo-1584556812933-8e6faeb93a21I just stocked up on all this toilet tissue, now what…

Seriously, what the heck is going on?

Do we have proper guidelines in place where we can feel comfortable going back to a sense of normalcy?

Even with some guidelines, it will be a false sense of security. I guess we all have to wait and see…

I believe this is going to take time. No one feels safe enough to go back to work, let alone social un-distancing during this outbreak.

We have been programmed to separate, wear masks, and fear for our lives. Now before this virus is a blip on the screen, we are talking about opening the is so much we don’t know about this virus. We are still learning more everyday.

I get it… it’s a matter of economics.

It won’t be easy to resume our economies without having massive negative impacts across the globe.

What if things progress where there are more fatalities because we went back too early?

Keep in mind, there are no vaccines to date. And no one really knows when this will be a reality.

This Pandemic is going to be here for the forseeable future. Unless we can get it under control, it will continue to be part of our world.

So are we really willing to put people at risk?

IĀ  am not comfortable going back into the workplace so soon. Therefore, before I put my family at risk, I may have to make a personal decision as to the best way to proceed.

My job consists of working around alot of people all the time. I have no problem in going back when things change for the better but not right now, I won’t feel safe.

We all have to make our own decision as to the best way to proceed. Financially, it’s very difficult for people to stay out of work indefinitely.

We all have responsibilities which weighs very heavily on our minds if it’s not dealt with in a timely manner.

The pressure of not being able to pay your bills or put food on the table is enormous.

I understand! However, our safety as well as our family is extremely important.

What should you do?

Be cautious yet optimistic about the future.

Our leaders are trying to come up with a gameplan. We all have to decide if we are willing to take the chance to go back to our jobs, schools, or businesses.

The testing phase might help if everyone gets tested. At least you have a sense of comfort. But there are not enough test kits to go around at this time.

Unless our government can get this under control, we will be swimming in the unknown for a very long time.

Don’t get me wrong, I am so tired of being quarrantined..

This is a matter of life and death. Safety for all of our families is at a crossroad.

We have been told by the media to stay indoors. Is it in the air?

Now without having assurance that the spread is contained, they are considering opening the country by the end of the month

I guess I will wait to see what happens before I venture out….

What do you think?

2021 update…well the vaccines are out and life has not resumed to normal..I believe people think they will resume their lives prior to the Pandemic. Unfortunately that will never be the case.

A new normal is on the horizon and it may not be what we all anticipate. Things are changing tremendously as we speak. Businesses are changing their original format and technology will dominate becoming the next chapter for the whole world.

So where do we go from here post Pandemic? Will vaccines become the new normal?
